Piercings by Elin - The Circle London

  • Max Baxter

The Circle London is a tattoo and piercing shop based in Soho London, UK. Elin Sullivan who is a piercer there messaged me on Instagram (@no_theme_graphics) after seeing the designs I had been doing with neon. One of the items of jewelry that Elin uses frequently is a dagger. I used that as a basis and went from there. Originally, I did it as a sign with rounded edges but as Elin is a piercer the sharper edges worked better for the piece. These designs I did were and are being used as her brand identity. Originally, I made them in RGB but knowing that they were going to be printed stickers I had to translate the design over into CMYK which provided it's own challenge as neon doesn't translate so well from RGB but eventually, I got it to work. the bottom picture was used as a die-cut sticker