Pink Mill // Issue Two - Process : The Fashion Issue

  • Ellie Rose

After creating our first issue we knew that we wanted to head down the fashion route. Initially we were only going to work on a merchandise line but during the initial stages we felt that we needed to make a fashion orientated issue that would showcase up and coming designers as well as our own work. This issue is very different from our last, we took more inspiration from editorial magazines like Wonderland and ASOS. We wanted everything to be clean and each small, individual section to be different. For this fashion issue we decided to revolve it around 'Process', whereby we could showcase the process to collections alongside the final collections. After meeting with the first designers, Edie and Pippa, we found out how interesting it was to see their whole thought process and how they start from a simple concept or idea and flow that all through to a finished collection or piece. These pieces are often overlocked or only seen briefly by those checking over portfolios. We feel like the work is beautiful and deserves to be seen by more. We ended up working with six different designers from university, ranging from 1st up to 3rd year students. Most fashion magazines we looked at also included a beauty section towards the back half so we reached out to a friend studying make-up and got her to create three looks that we could photograph and include inside the magazine along with some process shots. We also collaborated with a few other people for models and photographers this issue rather than doing every single job ourselves. Instagram was a way for us to do this - our platform has allowed us to effectively reach out to people to work with. As stated above we wanted to create a merchandise line, which is titled '305'. We photographed every stage of this process and decided to include it too to try to create an inside to our own process. This issue gives you an insight and a look at our collection which we are proud of.