Planning for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) in Los angeles, California

  • Go ADU Constructions company in Los Angeles California
Go ADU Contractor:
What is Go ADU?
Additional Dwelling Units have become a trend that's not going anywhere. The housing crisis in many parts of the United States has created a craving for ADU that is great than ever. Whether someone is looking for ways to get passive income, or add value to their property, or looking to improve the quality of their home, it's evident that additional dwelling units have become more than just a trend. I'm here to help you be a part of that future.
Before you get into the bandwagon of homeowners building ADU (accessory dwelling units) there are few things you need to consider…
Easy Access:
If you want to build ADU in California, you need to look at how you can navigate your home. Your number one priority is safety during emergencies, so find a way to clear out any clutter from the passage.
Building Eligibility:
Building an ADU involves a strict set of rules and regulations that must be followed for the project to take place. Before you start building, you need to check whether your home complies with the development standards of the state and the neighborhood. There are different metrics to check your property eligibility. One of those is density. This refers to how many granny flats you can have on your property. You need to clarify how many are allowed in your neighborhood. Your ADU project needs to fall within the density jurisdiction of the district you are in.
When you are planning to add an ADU unit to your property, you need to think about privacy. Especially if you are going to rent the space out, you don't want to be unsettled by people watching you. Therefore, if you are planning to have your parents, other family members or tenants in this unit of your house, make sure that the ADU faces a separate entrance. If not, then consider a back entrance for privacy purposes.

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    Go Adu
