
  • NastPlas Team

Polybius is a project that shows 4 spaces with decoration and materials reminiscent of the decade of the 80s, in the midst of the the golden age of video games. We have played with fabrics, inflatable shapes and different types of lighting to create a contemporary atmosphere of those years. #nastplas #artdirection #creativedirection #cgi #render #contemporary #arcade #textures #dark #human #3d #body #anatomy #physics #playgames #80s #retrogames #gaming https://www.behance.net/gallery/77659465/Polybius https://www.nastplas.com/polybius https://www.behance.net/drfranken https://www.instagram.com/nastplas https://www.instagram.com/nastplas_snapshot https://www.facebook.com/nastplas https://twitter.com/nastplas