POST-ISM — Exhibition

  • Abel Quental

Post – ism presents projects developed in Project II of the Master’s Degree in Communication Design (Fine Arts, ULisboa) that address current forms of communication, production and dissemination of knowledge, highlighting the isms that emerge (post)after the massive impact of digital systems and the internet in contemporary culture. The projects reflect the present moment characterized by the questioning of the ideologies and premises that govern established knowledge, while addressing the modes of action and communication that destabilize it in the post-internet era. They interrogate the assumptions inherent to social inclusion and exclusion, under the isms of gender and race, which condition cultural diversity and representativeness in academia and in the fields of technology and design. They highlight the volatility of knowledge under the impact of the Internet and the consequent paradigms of uncertainty, post-truth, misinformation and manipulation. They also comment on the sovereignty of metadata and algorithmic agency and its impact on socialization, while taking advantage of the confluence between media to reflect on how these technologies shape our perception and experience of reality.