Post-Me Kitchen

  • Katya Krasner
Final project of the BA Design course at Goldsmiths, it takes the domestic kitchen, a space connected to political and finantinal history of the words as much as it talks about personal experiences and emotions. The kitchen as a medium is manifestation of flux. Wars, revolutions, poitical, technological and finacial crisis all had some effects on the kitchen space as well as the tools and objects within it.
My project, is a research through a lens of technological development in the field of Internet of Things. It finds support in the Soviet Union and the events happening between 1943-91, the Cold War and the communist 'social experiment'.
Is to-day event will be called a social experiment in years to come? It feels greater than that.
I hope to continue with the topic of the constatn changes beyond my Design degree, and to contribute my finding into the social layers to its benifits.