Power Pussy by Erika Lust

  • Erika Lust
'Power Pussy by Erika Lust' is a collection of kick-ass t-shirts, tote bags, panties and caps for sex-positive provocateurs that make it quite explicit what sex positive feminist values really stand for and scream slogans like ‘I'm sorry, I'm late I was masturbating’, It’s not gonna lick itself’, ‘My Hole Rules’, and ‘Let’s misbehave’ that 'nasty feminists' can really get behind. This apparel and its carefully chosen name (not to be confused with ‘pussy power’ or ‘the power of the pussy’), is more than stylish t-shirts, totes and panties, it’s about reversing the way of thinking that makes people want to disassociate themselves from female labels. Erika aims to destigmatise the word ‘pussy’, turning it from a negative to a positive one and reclaim words society has used to shame and put down women and people in general. It aims to say that having a pussy is being powerful, not a weakness, and embracing your sexuality is not something of which to be ashamed.
All photos by Adriana Eskenazi apart from those of Viktoria Vaar, by Mr Vivaz.