Puma Suede Guerillas was an absolutely beautiful project that I was offered to take part in; during the summer of 2021. I was struggling to find work and this was an amazing opportunity. Suede Guerillas was also my first ever photography-based project. I have had previous experience with the use of a digital camera and had been doing photography for 5 years prior to this offer, but was never fond or familiar with the use of any of the ADOBE applications. I carried out the project with 4 beautiful models that I had so much fun working with, and I think it was an amazing way in its own aspect to shed light on the female creatives in Abu Dhabi, and the presence of a creative scene in the UAE's capital. The images were shot in 2 of Abu Dhabi's most spellbound attractions, Qasr El Hosn and the newly opened, Fatma Bnt Mubarak Park. Once the images were shot, they were then edited via: - Adobe PhotoShop - Adobe Lightroom - Procreate (for minor illustration)