Quotes & Styles Creative Consultancy Showreel 2023

  • Quotes  & Styles
  • Tobi Laniyan

Quotes & Styles® is a Creative Consultancy that offers creative direction for a range of clients in the sectors of entertainment, sport and fashion. We provide a new creative process that offers brands and partners increased engagement and exposure directly to their audiences at the beginning, middle, and end of production. We take brands and partners along the creative journey with us. We provide a new creative process for creatives, artists and collaborators, to be seen, promoted and heard right from the start, middle and end of production. My mission is to capture the quotes, stories, and styles of individuals through portraits, words, film, and other creative mediums, delivering a positive message. Because "For every style there a quote and for every quote there a style." Tobi - Founder of Quotes & Styles®