Rationale - Loving Life

  • Piers Haynes
Rationale is an incredible artist with many unique features to his music, his latest release entitled "Loving Life" was released this summer and was a track different to the rest of his catalouge.
From the start we new that "Loving Life" was a track for the summer, the initial conversation was around a video that would reflect the beach, partying and people going abroad to places like Ibiza. I felt this concept was too predictable and would take away Rationale's individuality, with this I voiced the idea of creating a video that was around summer life in the city; people partying in places like London Fields, playing basketball, skating and just generally having a good time in the sun within the city. Much like plans with friends that are made in the summer, we wanted the video to feel spontanious, not too staged and almost like a UGC video. To emphahsize this we used an old cam corder in multiple locations to capture various pieces of content around various concepts in London.
Rationale - Loving Life | | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROi8t5ro6Iw&t=1s