Rats not cat

  • ciro correia

‘Play’ is an important aspect of the design process. I find that working on different iterations brings in new ideas. Starting with an open mind when working on a visual problem allows defining and framing of the problem in ways that could revolutionise the project. Which in turn allows for better solutions. I think that allowing designers to fully embrace the process with minimal interference will always give better results, it is the designer's responsibility to guide the project towards active participation or testing of ideas. I wanted to explore different ‘media’ or styles in the process of working on this illustration. The initial pass was done in vector lines and pixel brushes used to ‘colour’ the sketch. The second iteration was a full render - painted digitally. The third iteration was a pen and ink drawing. This is a follow-up illustration to 'Entropy'.

Above left: Line and colour version of the piece.
Above right: Pen and ink version.
Below: Full render - digital paint