Ray Winstone: Grief, Imposter Syndrome & Head-Butting Directors

  • Chelia Batkin

Hosted by John ‘Fenners’ Fendley, each episode explores a spectrum of emotions and experiences, including grief, depression, anger, imposter syndrome, fatherhood and the grave issue of suicide. In our first episode, we’re talking to Hollywood actor and star of Guy Ritchie’s new series The Gentlemen, Ray Winstone. The East Londoner, who also appears in fantasy film Damsel alongside Mille Bobby Brown, opens up about the impact losing his mother to cancer had on him, inverted snobbery and how he’s never truly felt accepted in the arts. Fenners, who’s been very open about his own mental health, shares his stories on depression, the taboo topic of antidepressants and how he still feels, at 54, like a boy when surrounded by large groups of men. The two also touch on snooker balls in socks, imposter syndrome and why Winstone once head butted a director on set... ‘We’re all built on things that have happened in our lives, depressions and the moments that are hard to live with,’ says Winstone. ‘The loss of someone – everyone who is telling the truth will know something about what we’re talking about now.’ Our mission is to help people who find it challenging to speak about their struggles, encouraging them to join the conversation and recognise they are not alone. If you like this episode, let us know in the comments and if you want to listen only, you can catch 'Head Strong' on all major podcast platforms.