Recent work, April - June 2024

  • Mikey Nissenbaum

Alright dotters - sorry it's been a while! But have been quite busy the last few months being freelance and making content for all sorts of people and organisations � �� A month ago I worked with the BBC on delivering their social content across Glastonbury which was a great consolation to not seeing anyone live but instead editing with a nice bunch of people and a copious amount of bourbons. Then a few weeks before that I worked on the Eurovision Song Contest producing their social content for two weeks, making original content and clipping up the live shows - a personal highlight of which was becoming doubles partners with Rylan in shuffleboard and destroying all competition. Then I've recently worked with Giles Gear to launch the promotion video for this years Cheerful Earful (if you haven't already check it out now via Giddy Aunt Comedy) And collaborated with the NHS on a video for the treatment of young people and their mental health, filmed Gabby Logan's podcast for Spiritland Productions and produced social content for Infernos Euros promo via Monty. Oh and back in April I also did the London Marathon Events...ok I didn't DO it but I did film the inspiring runners and supporters of Versus Arthritis which they used for their fundraising film. You can see some of the latest work at my site here: If I missed anything let me know by getting in touch and telling me what I should work on next � And ill try to stay in touch sooner this time!x

Project Tags


  • BBC logo


    • Media Production
  • L

    London Marathon Events Ltd

    • Spiritland logo


      • Retail
    • NHS logo


      • Public Sector
    • E

      Eurovision Song Contest

      • v

        versus arthritis

        • Monty logo


          • Marketing & PR
