Restaurant (2nd Year) 2017

  • John Solis

For this project we were asked to design a unique, authentic restaurant experience, that will provoke a particular sense of place based upon our own personal memories that is linked to our childhood domestic environments that we have encountered.  This project for me was inspired by my family in the Philippines during the Easter holidays when they sent me photos of everyone gathered together during Easter Sunday for a feast. Feast in the Philippines is usually done on very special occasions such as Christmas, New Years, Birthdays and Holy Days, where people gather together to catch up and be a family over food and drinks.  The one thing that really stood out to me in the photos that I received was the way that the feast was done in a traditional way that the Aboriginal Filipinos called the “Igorots” would eat. The Igorots would not specifically eat on a single plate by themselves or use utensils but instead they would line up banana leaves on either a very long table or floor then put the rice on top of the banana leaves in the middle from one end of the table to the other and then add the meat, seafood and vegetables on top of the rice, they then would eat the food using their hands whilst at the same time socialising and having fun with family and friends.  Using this traditional way of eating I wanted to create the exact same experience in Glasgow as it would be in the Philippines, I wanted to create a space that customers would not have a choice of where they would be sitting or have a table all to themselves but instead everyone would be sitting on the floor on pillows around a long table of the restaurant where they can talk and socialise and meet new people.