Retained Copywriting Packages

  • Ste Clarke

What do you gain by working with me on a retained basis? - A skilled copywriter (with 7 years of experience) at your disposal every month - Because I can write in loads of different formats, you save a fortune by not having to hire multiple writers - A consistent tone of voice - Work being produced faster (which is bound to keep your clients happy) - The ability to budget ahead - Additional time to work on the business that you never had before - Reduced stress levels - The ability to take on more, higher-paid projects in confidence - No need to go through the long, laborious process of interviewing for a permanent hire - A trusted person to go to with additional ad-hoc projects That’s why I’ve put five set packages together. You can use me to work on your own copy needs or, if you’re an agency, to fulfil your client content obligations. I’m happy to swap out one of these services for something you need more of, so book a free call with me and let’s have a natter about what works best for you.