Rugby Photoshoot

  • Andrew Payn

In May of 2018 I ran a rugby photoshoot to highlight Spall Sports' custom designs. Shot using an entry level Nikon DSLR and a cheap red head lighting kit against a white vinyl background. Most pictures were slightly retouched in Photoshop but only for a slight bit of colour correction. The harsh yellow light of the red head lighting kit was intentional. All the photos were cropped to 1:1 as they were to be primarily used on Instagram

This is the main photograph taken and is used extensively on their website and marketing materials
A “hero” image using an old rugby ball as the prop. This shot was only retouched to increase darkness on the edge of the frame
A “behind the scenes” shot for Spall Sports’ marketing. Whilst staged the lighting was set up for the actual shot, I liked how it came together as a framed image.