This was a group project where I worked alongside two Animation students which worked very well. The brief, set by TAB (The App Business), was to make an app so that shoppers at Sainsbury's were made aware of the impact of their food consumption on the climate. We had to; raise awareness, educate, and support shoppers to make long-term behaviour changes. The Outcome After coming up with loads of ideas, we refined it down to three to develop, and then chose the best one which was a sustainable food item recommender. It takes the items in your basket and goes through one item at a time to suggest a more sustainable product. The user can then swipe to accept or decline this offer, once the user has chosen all their items, they are shown their updated basket, and how much they have saved the environment. They also receive Nectar points based on the swaps they did, and can get a Nectar Green card if they have enough points to receive exclusive sustainable offers. Alongside this we did a Sainsbury's Go Green campaign to try and target the people that just shop in-store.