Santral Istanbul Map Design

  • Aslı Ateş

Santral Istanbul is a cultural complex and contemporary art space situated on the grounds of the former Silahtarağa Power Plant in Istanbul, Turkey. It has been repurposed into a hub for arts, culture, and education, featuring exhibition spaces, galleries, a museum, and facilities for diverse cultural events. Renowned for its contribution to the Istanbul art scene, the complex hosts contemporary art exhibitions, installations, performances, and educational programs. Associated with Istanbul Bilgi University, Santral Istanbul embodies the university's commitment to fostering creativity and cultural engagement. It serves as a significant extension of the university, revitalizing industrial spaces for cultural purposes and providing a unique setting for students, artists, and the public to explore contemporary art and cultural events. This map design project, created during my undergraduate studies as part of an urban design course, was recognized as one of the top submissions.