Having researched, tested, designed, re-tested and successfully gotten the app approved by Apple, the next step was the packaging of it.
I called the app Say-Less because stickers evidently allowed my audience to say more with less.
My biggest challenge was that the app was to be released during the unprecedented worldwide outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. In March 2020, Europe was the coronavirus Epicenter. Moods were low as a mounting death toll, social distancing, quarantine and self isolation hit the economy and our way of life like a ton of bricks.
However, this did mean that my target audience would now be more plugged into the digital world. Looking at March 2020, VOD saw a 54% increase YoY in the UK, whilst network providers such as 02 had reportedly been increasing their capacity in order to deal the increased demand.
My plan was simple: reactive and empathetic copy and social media posts alongside the strong branding and identity of the app.