Sculpture Series

  • Fox Jones

A series based on ideas for sculptures. The base concept is that these sculptures are part of an imaginary sculpture gallery that was inspired by the concept of a "mind palace."

All the pieces have some element of "grounding." Some part of the sculpture is touching a wall or the floor. These sculpts are intended to look possible yet surreal.
I also discovered that the room is more a part of the experience than I first thought. Obviously the setting for a sculpt is the context but it's truly part of the piece itself. The piece above is in a wide room that gives the feeling of theatre.
The Cube piece above was the first created in the series and started as a reflection test. The bar behind the piece was something I added initially as a test to see how it would affect the perceived scale of the sculpture.
As a technical aside, jpeg compression really attacked some of these pieces. Lesson learned, I'll go back to png files!