• Jaie Johnson-Miller

Some of my photography can be seen at this event in Venice. ITSLIQUID Group, in collaboration with ACIT Venice - Italian-German Cultural Association, is pleased to announce the opening of SECRET SPACES, second appointment of BORDERS ART FAIR 2023, that will take place in Venice, at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello from June 16 to July 07, 2023, during the same period of the 18th Venice Biennale of Architecture. The concept of SECRET SPACES explores the hybridization among art, culture, physical and social identities in contemporary times, by providing an immersive experience inside the complex labyrinths of our consciousness: the human body is a changing system that connects us with other bodies and spaces to perceive the surrounding reality, a strong communication system with its own language and infinite ways of expression. By breaking down traditional boundaries between body and space, individual and collective, artists explore and create new hybrid spaces that challenge their own identity to discover new facets of themselves and push beyond the traditional notions of self and identity. Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello will offer its magnificent historical setting to sharpen these themes, pointing out how our own entities have been shaped over the centuries by the fast-paced world around us.

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