Seiko advertorial for Brummell magazine

  • Mark Hooper
  • Show Media

Show Media asked me to edit, collate and write an advertorial on Japanese design philosophy for Seiko to run in Brummell magazine. This included an essay on Japanese aesthetics as well as interviews with some of the world’s most inspiring creative talents – Mark Cho, Bill Amberg, Maureen Doherty and Studio Swine – on how Japanese design informs their work… (Illustrations by Aistė Stancikaitė)

Project Tags


  • Show Media logo

    Show Media

    • Design
  • S


    • Studio Swine logo

      Studio Swine

      • Arts and Culture
    • B

      Brummell magazine

      • e


        • M

          Mark Cho

          • B

            Bill Amberg
