Selfpromotion #digital_malina

  • Lelde Māliņa
  • Andras Kresak
My life has come to a point when I have decided to work as a freelancer in digital marketing and branding fields. Thinking of ways how to let people know about my plans and abilities to join creative and challenging projects, I have already made a few very simple social media post about it and I'm planning to continue it that way.
This post on Facebook at the end of 2017 got 37 shares and around 80 likes. Seems not a lot, but after publishing it I got already few job offerings and attention from friends and further level connections. Then I realized that this is working.
Actually when I posted this post I was looking for full time or part time job in a marketing or advertising agency, but somehow my message worked more to separate project managers and it led me to the idea about working as a freelance digital marketer with many different projects at the same time.
My second public anouncement was that I can help anyone with their brand's or businesse's digital marketing. It was early spring fresh message to build more awareness that I am now freelance digital marketer. This post got less shares and likes, but I received even more specific invitations to talk about freelance job oppurtunities.
My next selfpromotion strategic step is to start giving a little bit more content to my posts. By proving my knowledge and skills I am telling people some tips and giving the inspiration to manage digital marketing for their brands and companies. I love to work strategically, that's why my first advise is to set marketing goals and make a strategy to reach them. This is also useful for life goals and dreams becoming reality, that's why I made a cover photo of this post with a little bit dreamy and motivating picture.
More posts are coming soon...
Keep following and sharing.


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