Sexolution” Sexting Sticker pack ;)

  • Kawira Mwirichia
So, thanks to the new technology and equipment I’ve been exposed to (see my other recent post on this as well) :) I’ve been able to improve the way people interact with the concepts I have created, and the latest in the line of these works to get better digital-ized? is the “Sexolution” sexting sticker pack!
The first time I brought the sexting emojis to life, it was in the form of 5 printed cards that could be given to a partner to make a sexual request (see below)
Now, the sticker pack hasn’t just grown to include 18 fun, kink-friendly requests ;) but it is also FREELY available in the mobile messaging app, Telegram (here)! I’m still working to expand free access to the pack, but I am grateful for all the support I’ve received so far that has made this possible and I’m excited to see how much further this can go!
But enough of me talk-talk-talking :P Check out what the sticker pack has to offer (so far) and access the pack on Telegram here to slide into your person’s DMs with a wink and a smile ;)