• Nick Corston

We've just set up a #CommunityLockIn as an artistic response to the Lock Down. You may have seen me on BBC Breakfast last Wednesday as below, yes the morning of 1st April ;-) It's an 8 stream, 4 channel Content Creation and Community Collaboration Hub - think telly studio with green screen, etc where people Skype in to the vision mix. We did a 9 hour broadcast last Friday and it worked so we're doing our first live #ARTCONNECTS Show today 3-5pm. Would love to discuss how we can share this resource with other creatives and artists to generate to work for themselves. We are happy to joint bid and collaborate with anyone wanting to submit grant applications to ACE tomorrow. We are registered with them but can only apply for one grant so happy to support any ideas you wish to propose that are inline with our values: << ART - what we call it when what we do might connect us << ART - the killer combination of Creativity, Tools/Tech and People << ART - can inspire kids in their learning, create careers/power the economy and engage communities Do please see and sign up here But either way get creative with those loo rolls for our #ARTofLOOROLLS challenge and get on today's show!

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    STEAM Co.

    • Education & Research
