• Thomas B

Official Audio & Video Release (10Apr2020)

SHARP, SHARP BLADE (Official Release)
Single taken off of Conversations album - out on May 1st 2020 via Klik Records

Cover design by Effie Pappa

Video created during Quarantine.
Due to coronavirus outbreak, and respecting the public health guidelines, the scheduled shooting for the official music video of “SHARP, SHARP BLADE” had to be postponed. However, during this period we worked with footage by filmmakers around the world, which gathered and edited in a tryout to see what the result would be. Stay home, stay sane, and stay safe. Cinematography by Simon Wittrup, Hans Peter Schepp, Omri Ohana, Jonathan Vardi, Gabriel Tavares Vianna Stella, Karim Yatrib, Danil Rudenko, Yigal Ohanna, Logan McNay, Alex Botton.
Edit & Coloring by Thomas Balogiannis