Sheerness Dockyard Trust

  • Peter Warren
Sheerness Dockyard Church is a nationally important architectural treasure. Sheerness Dockyard Trust came together to rescue the buidling from neglect and decay, securing a £4.75m Heritage Lottery grant to restore the building and open it up for community use.
We worked with the trustees to effectively position the Trust as helping to 'Put Sheerness back on the map', reflecting the regeneration role of the initiative inan area of significant social and economic deprivation.
Our brand identity and website are helping galvanise the project and accellerate fundraising for the £3m match funding required.
As part of the project, a complete early nineteenth century model of Sheerness Dockyard will be displayed in the church. It's the largest architectural model in the UK covering 1600 square feet on plan. We visited the model at its temporary home in storage and carried out a photographic audit, then produced proposals for interpretive display in the church, to help inform the next phase of the HLF project work.