Skykillers for UNICEF Ukraine "StopBullying"

  • Sasha Zima

67% of children have encountered instances of bullying. Recognizing the severity of this issue, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), with support of the German government, has initiated an information campaign. The primary objective is to educate both children and adults on what constitutes bullying, its root causes, and the lasting consequences it can have. The campaign also provides guidance on potential actions to prevent or stop bullying, fostering a secure environment in which schoolchildren can thrive, learn, play, and develop. At its core, the campaign urges children to take a stand against bullying and opt for meaningful and engaging activities that allow them to discover and showcase their potential, thereby earning the respect of their peers. For parents, the campaign emphasizes the gravity of the problem, irrespective of which side their child may find themselves on. It encourages open communication with their children, urging parents to establish a trusting relationship where their child feels comfortable sharing their experiences and seeking help when needed.

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        Radioactive Film
