Sleepy Aria - Featured on Dazed Club Spotlight

  • Maia Burt

Listening to Kasabian’s West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum, I found myself playing West Ryder Silver Bullet on repeat. The album led me to imagine a couple, their love story and the delusions that go with it. Thoughts of a wild road trip type movie filled my head, inspiring these photographs. I wanted to approach them from a woman’s perspective, and convey a sense of solitude, coldness and beauty. In the first photograph, we see our lead lying in a comfortable bed; a bed created in her mind. She is in her own world, dreaming of her lover. The slightly melancholic beat that plays throughout the song is mirrored by the cool toned filtered images, a feeling of dreaming but also underlying doom. The world itself is my source of inspiration. I find myself looking at my past self, how I have grown and what I discover about my own body.