• Rikardo Philipp

Smartmoov is an automotive platform, a smart mobility solution in the mobile retail segment along with technology systems and services. Operate indoors and outdoors, from a clean and autonomous energy matrix. More than a smart mobility solution, it is a new business model to sell and buy products and services both in urban and rural areas. It's a practical and fresh way for businesses to fit in an increasing new consumers lifestyle. Additional Information: SMK - 243 cm x 127 cm x 192 cm - Capacity: 3,10m³ SMM - Mid: 170 cm x 90 cm x 180 cm - Capacity: 1,43m³ Vehicle and Brand Identity designed as a freelancer, Curitiba - Brazil Partners: EccoCell Veículos Elétricos, Fibravip, Casa 13 Exhibitions: SmartCity Expo Curitiba 2019