
  • Sean Gray

smolSnekBoi! A modern take on the classic game! Here is my first project designed with JavaScript. Chase apples around the screen and grow bigger and bigger until you can eat no more! Snake is a game based on the old arcade classic game Blockade. My first introduction to the Snake game was on my, still indestructible, Nokia 3310. Throughout this project I have definitely increased my snake gameplay skills into a formidable force! I started of by building the game by referencing other snake games already available on the internet. After thorough research, I first based my game off of basic HTML, which contained only one empty div class, a simple colour styling with CSS, and a grid and a smolSnekBoi composed in JavaScript. Then through a lot of hard work the gradual process of constructing a viable game began. Time management on this project, I believe, was well allocated as I adhered to the set goals I had for each day. This allowed me at the end of the week to work on styling and extra features, and to decide on what looked good and what didn't. This process has given me some good insight on how to structure projects in the future. The time management, even tho it went well, took a while to get used to at the beginning, but after a few days it really impacted my work. So, more attention to structuring organisation in the beginning would be how I would do things differently on future projects.