Spirit guide descending from the Pneuma

  • Cosimo Palermo

Spirit guide descending from the Pneuma. It also works the other way around. During your earthly life, one or more spirit guides detach from the Pneuma and incarnate within your body, are on a mission to help you carry out spiritual evolution and aspire after your corporal death (if everything goes well) to ascend again to the Pneuma (mission accomplished). In addition to the spirit guides around us, we always have the spirits of our "evolved" ancestors who help and advise us, when we do not send them away (if we behave badly). When one sells one's soul to the Devil, one stops the cycle of descent from pneuma and ascension to the pneuma and the spirit remains stranded on earth at the mercè of the devil. He can still be saved, but it is a very difficult path and only very few can aspire to this kind of divine redemption. 99,9% remain on earth indefinitely, going back and forth like crazy people.