STATO D'ASSEDIO - A Movie adaptation of " The Plague" By Albert Camus

  • Gianluca Agazzi

Digital paintined sketches designed for my Thesis for Second Cycle Bachelor of Fine Arts in Production Design for Cinema and TV in ABA Brera, Milano. I wrote down a free movie adapation of "The Plague" by Albert Camus. I've decided to set the plot in a near future in a district of Milan, Italy, instead of the original time and space. After an intense research work, I've modeled the sets on GoogleSketchup and then painted the sketches on Adobe Photoshop. Here the script: In year 2023, a new violent epidemic of Plague sudddenly strikes some districts in the city of Milan, Italy. To prevent the spread of the desease, Claudio Adolfi, major of the 7th municipality, forces the comunity to observe strict preventative measures and closes his district off the rest of the city. To guard citiziens health and protect his family, He exacerbatessocial tension nearly to civil war and causes illness and death by plague of his own wife and son. Suspect of sickness, He's restricted in a Quarantine Camp in the racetrack of S.Siro. Alone and homeless, He joins voluntary health NGO and dies few days before before the end of the containment.