Stigma - a web platform for LGBTQIA+ artists

  • Zala Šeško The web platform Stigma unites art forms created by LGBTQIA+ artists. The title, Stigma, provokes a negative connotation of the word stigma, and uses it in its own favour with the creative arts by artists from a marginalized group. Stigma is one of the first Slovenian web platforms that unites artistic and non-artistic genres of LGBTQIA+ artists to such an extent. It is composed of different literary genres (prose, poetry, articles, columns, essays, interviews) , visual arts and hybrid forms (photography, fine arts, cyanotype, comic, collage, an instalment and a trailer for different LGBTQIA+ events). Co-creating the platform with artists that send their works for publishing adds to recognition, empowerment and solidarity of the community that grows additionally with the language of art. With this platform, we are trying to establish a contact and cooperation with already-existing LGBTQIA+ organisations in Slovenia and encourage them to promote their activity through members and interviews on Stigma. This contact with multiple artistic forms tries to bring LGBTQIA+ community closer to the wider public and educate about everyday experiences of the members of said community. We use this webpage to promote inclusivity, tolerance and creativity, and we are developing the creative expression of local, as well as national setting. Publishing on the page is open for already established artists, as well as individuals that have only started their artistic journey.