Storm Rng

  • Karen Mattiazzo

FPS Multiplayer Gamer • Apex Legends • Influencer • Australia

She plays video games. She needed a logo and a merch collection. Here it is.
She is Aussie, plays FPS games and has 48.8K followers. The assets provided are purple tones, bright green, clouds, and an illustration in which she is drawn with her dog in a chibi style.

Something about the game involves a mission in which she injects herself with a shot of goo and gets more energy. We also had to have clouds to ressonate with a storm, and she asked for her husky to be illustrated too.
Text shaped inside a cloud
I used a font and manipulated so each letter fits the next

Here I tried only a few options and really liked this type made to fit in a cloud that is large on one side and thin on the other. The bolt crosses the letter, but the other full version the bolt is excluded from the letter. Possible to use both versions, or, in the future, when her brand is well known, only the O since there is the bolt.
The Goo type has a siringe in it, dripping inside and out of the text. The Cloud says Bro - maybe an inside joke when she is streaming - and is also dripping rain. There is a version for black background that is gradient, you can see below, applied on mockups. She liked the Bro Cloud so much she wanted it to have the Goo texture and the words Take It. Finally her Husky dog, inside a pocket, applied as a pocket print.