Summer House Hostel

  • Sam Penny

The Hotel Barkly is a venue complex in St Kilda, Melbourne which is made up of 3 spaces. a pub, a rooftop bar and a nightclub. Summer house was the main hostel and was a key link between other parts of the business. I did a number of posters that where used in the main hostel to advertise the social events and backpacker deals that the venue offered. These would later be displayed throughout the hostel and needed to be both eye catching but clear. I came up with the idea to have the posters match the color swatches used in the hostels logo to help correlate with the colors used in the hostel. Similarly I made the sections of the posters into marketing pieces for the companies socials, matching the type and style across.

I was asked to do a number of shoots for the bar to help increase there portfolio of images for social media and help advertise the daily deals they had to offer. I also did a number of edits using these photos and the existing typefaces on there website to help make there social media look more professional. I later was commissioned to create the specials list for the bars new menu along with other posters that where used to advertise the World cup throughout the hostel. These would follow the brand guidelines and typographic desires of the bar.