Sunday Writers' Club

  • Aurora Dawson-Hunte

I'm launching the Sunday Writers' Club! The last Sunday of every month, I'll host a gathering for writers -- beginners or experienced -- where we can share and gain feedback for our work. First meeting on Sunday 30 July. Email to register interest or fill in this form This is an in-person event based in London. We'll give live feedback, ask questions and explore the world you have created. Rinse, repeat... ad infinitum! Please note you can come with your own questions to ask about your writing, and some preliminary questions are provided as standard. If you don't want to submit a sample of work to be explored, that's fine! You can still be a reader and join for the feedback sessions. You can even pitch an idea to the room! I'd encourage you to spend no more than 3 sessions in this mode, so if you spend 3 sessions as reader only, you're likely to get a little prompt from me cheerleading you share a sample or your work, however raw or imperfect as that's what it's all about. After the session, club members are encouraged to join a Sunday meal to vibe. This isn't compulsory, just a friendly add-on.