
  • Eszter Imre

Contemporary porcelain jewellery collection. My grandmother loves luxury porcelain. She have been collecting them for years. As a kid I could never understand why she had all those cups and plates but never used them. When I, as a teenager, was exposed to porcelain as a material for making art and sculptures I realised just how much I actually appreciate the delicate details and craftsmanship of my grandmothers porcelain after all. Table Wear is a collection of porcelain jewellery inspired by classical porcelain tableware. The inspiration is drawn from the kind of tableware that people own, inherit and display in their homes as collections and prized possessions, like my grandmother, but never really use. Table Wear aspire to capture the essence of these classical heirlooms. These cups, plates and table ware objects have been made with much care and attention. Carved into existence and hand painted by master craftsmen. Highlighted by gold, family crests and monograms of proud makers. Made with and collected in reverence. Porcelain as a material and its seemingly never ending potentials amazes me. When I look at these objects of history and tradition their details impress me and the jewellery within speaks to me. They are objects that rarely gets used in their original function but still have brought joy to endless homes. With the transformation from tableware into jewellery I hope to bring the beauty and details of these classical collectibles and heirlooms closer to the body, closer to the soul, and out into the world. The series was made at Herend Porcelain Manufacture Zrt. Herend is the most classical style porcelain ware in Hungary and can be found in homes around the world, including some royal palaces. I used their traditional shapes and and adapted them by hand from their original moulds. I also used their typical style of hand-painted patterns on the pieces to further connect them with the original cup or plate. Campaign photos by Vivienne Balla