Takeaway Talk - International Women's Day

  • Abigail Summerfield
  • Chantelle Morton
  • Abigail Summerfield

‘The most successful people lift as they climb’ a quote from Caitlyn Kumi kick-started our Takeaway Talk for International Women’s Day. Joined by Creative Director Kim Howells and Stylist Emily Evans, talking honestly about their careers, women who have influenced and inspired them and how they continue to push themselves and the people they work with to be the very best they can be. We were thrilled to support The Girls Network and were joined by Aliyah Chaumoo and Naomi Hook, connecting girls from the least advantaged communities with mentors and networks of professional role models. We look forward, not back and continue to challenge the social and economic achievements of women who are leading from the front and pushing at the rear and working together to keep driving change forward. In partnership with Soho Works https://open.spotify.com/episode/32S3X3C0Lb6yTL3f5xVkMN?si=TCNWwgTzQUae2SKUwWA3hQ&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A6JnBmIgPUQxjZ3CAl08gyP