#Talking Doorsteps Beirut

“What you have to say is more important than what guns can do. ”

“Each word is ammunition.”

“A love poem can be a political statement more than any other.”

“If the questions starts with ‘can I write’ the answer will always be yes.”

“I want to eat Labneh for the rest of my life.”

“The function of what our art form does and how it works is being challenged.”

“Sometimes you need to ignore the theme, because these is something more important at hand, something you need to write about now.”

“That’s why we’re all here isn’t it, why we are poets – to find common terminology for what we are going through. To connect.”

“I did it.”

“It was wonderful, I am giddy about it”

“Next time you come back you won’t have to stay in a hotel”
I spent only a week in Beirut, with a group of amazing poets. The images of a student begging me for feedback immediately after a performance, a teacher willing to cry about her writing in front of her students, a poet standing in front of a crowd and believe, knowing, feeling it is changing something… these will stay with me forever.

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