The 5th Element

  • Charlie Taylor

"The 5th Element", where Hip-Hop is displayed in the light it deserves. 

It has been thought that there are only four elements to Hip-Hop. Not true. Like most things in this day and age, knowledge is neglected and that is our mission statement here at "The 5th Element". To shine a light on the forgotten 5th Element of Hip-Hop. 

This site will include insightful interviews with people in Hip-Hop, around Hip-Hop and people that are true fans of Hip-hop. We provide unique opinions on the music, film & TV you absorb daily and hopefully teach you something.

There is always something to learn when it comes to Hip-Hop.

In nearly two years I have hosted the site by myself, maintaining and trying to produce content. I have had interviews with people from all over the world. Including a Graffiti Artist from France, a rapper from South Africa, a multiple Olympic Gold medal winning athlete & a Grammy Award Nominated Songwriter, the latter two via the US.

Podcast for #5E coming soon...