The After Party

  • Lyanna Hindley

Post-production / 2024 At a standard house party, four students who couldn’t be more different from one another get stuck in a room... with a dead body. They ask themselves and each other, are any of them to blame? Or is their pursuit to get out of there something anyone would do given the circumstances?

Having the pleasure to serve as a producer was an amazing experience which taught me so much. Despite the shoot taking place during last years record-breaking heat and with a modest budget, I truly believe that we created something incredible. Short films play a vital role in the industry, providing essential learning opportunities for those taking their initial baby-steps into the world of filmmaking. Our director, Maddie, even took on the roles of writer, producer, and actor in the film. Many of our crew members also stepped in as extras. The experience was educational, exciting and challenging in a way that only short films can be. I had the privilege of meeting some wonderful and insanely talented people working on The After Party, who I hope to continue working with in the future and eventually... on my own film. 🎥 ✨