It could help with any education-related costs that may arise during the school year, including essentials like a meal during the day or transport to your school, college or training provider. Or you might need extra help to buy books, clothing or equipment for your course, or pay for educational visits. Equally if you have a business or project that you would like help in funding, we would welcome your request.
There is a maximum limit of £3,000 you can apply for per student.
Current Year 13 and 14 students and graduates up to two years of leaving (who left in 2022 or 2023).
You will not be eligible to receive an Obie Bursary to contribute to the payment of fees if:
Your course attracts public funding (including a Dance and Drama Award, if you successfully apply for one)
Or it is a degree course for which a student loan is available (i.e. Student Loan for Tuition Fees and Maintenance). This includes designated degree courses in dance/drama/production at private institutions.
You obtain a scholarship for your fees from the institution you are joining.
Fill out the google form explaining what you need the bursary for:
Describe examples of your work or business proposal
Mention efforts you have made to raise funds yourself - e.g part-time work, fundraising
Tell us about your future ambitions and why this bursary will help you.
Friday 17th May 2024If we shortlist you, we will ask you for more details on the budget and your request and this meeting is likely to be in person or online.