The character 'Willard Shephard'

  • Suchet Budon

Willard Shephard is a character I have created and he appears in a set of movies and stories I have written - He is featured in RAHANA 1984, RAHANA, THE SENSEI, CODEY THE AUDIO DRAMA and CODENAME VASQUEZ. He features predominantly in RAHANA 1984, THE SENSEI, CODEY and CODENAME VASQUEZ in strong characterization and has key roles which are important to the plot. Willard Shephard was born in Dallas, Texas, in 1940. A Green Beret during the Vietnam War, an American hero who becomes a billionaire. You may now be thinking how this character lives long enough to be in every one of these stories from 1984 to 2058 and is youthful enough to feature in some strong action sequences of CODENAME VASQUEZ where he is 118 years old? You will have to watch and find out. The 6ft+ tall Willard Shephard is a pure Texan, heart of gold, strong, charming and charismatic. He is played in each of these stories by the actor Stephen Neal.