The Fashion Design Process: Ideation and Sketching

  • Doaa Dashoush

Doaa Dashoush explains the early stages of the fashion design process

The process of becoming a fashion designer involves a passion for the industry, time, and research. From street fashion to haute couture, every designer has their own approach to the creative process. However, there are some common steps that every designer should follow when it comes to creating their own wearable creations. If you’re a student or aspiring designer, this overview will help you get started.

  1. Review the Design Brief
When a client asks a designer to create a new collection or a particular fashion project, the designer should first consult with the client to understand their expectations and requirements. This step will allow the designer to come up with a design that fits the brand’s values and budget. Before starting production, the designer should also gather all the necessary information.

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