The First Saturday of May is a short film that follows the story of an Irish-Traveller father as he struggles to raise his son to be the man he was destined to be. As a well-respected figure in his community, Paddy yearns for nothing more than to have the perfect family, however, pushing his son to be the next man of the McDonagh family will only drive a bigger wedge between them. You never know what’s happening behind closed doors.
The First Saturday of May was the second student production that the Pickle & Co. team had produced after lúbtha. We wanted to push the boundaries with this one, tell a story that hadn’t been told, and to take a step inside a close-knit community that’s not well represented in the film spheres. We worked close with the Irish-Traveller community whilst shooting on-site, and with old & new faces on set, the team worked tirelessly for 8 days straight, spending long days and nights living in a caravan. We are very excited to share this with everyone, but for now, we’re off to the film circuits!