The Future Brief, Today

  • Tom Taylor

We were asked to brand a teleporter of all things, without worrying about the technology involved, we just had to create the brand for the company and any other assets that we thought would benefit the brand. I decided to create a brand called Beam Teleportation, I decided that the teleporter would be used similar to Uber or a brand like that, which would help people get from place to place in a flash.

After creating the main branding for the company I decided that I would venture into the world of 3D and try to create a model of what the companies teleporter would look like.
I then wanted to answer the question of who could use the teleporters and what modern solutions they can offer. The main one looking at the fact that you can travel anywhere in an instant, the most logical use seemed to be for delivery companies to offer same day delivery on certain products. Here is an example using a DHL branded teleporter.
I then made two advertisements to show how the product would be marketed, I decided that the product would be marketed just like a car would, so i decided to do my design in the same style as an old Volkswagen ad.