The Glossa

  • Steph Fairbairn
Launched in October 2014, The Glossa is King’s College London’s Modern Foreign Language Magazine, publishing in all languages taught at King’s; English, French, German, Greek, Portuguese and Spanish and expanding into other languages such as Italian. We publish continuously online, and in print form at the end of each academic semester.

Our philosophy is simple: community. A community of languages, cultures, histories, writers, translators, artists, and hopefully a community of King’s students – past, present and future. We aim to give a platform to those who want to experiment with their writing, practice their language skills, or share their experiences. By covering a range of topics, from detailing what studying languages is like both in general, and at King’s, to looking at historical events, cultural happenings, creative pieces and everything else in between, we hope to provide a great source of reference and a home for those with an interest in all things linguistic and all things cultural.