The Green Door Store

  • Andrew Halloway

As part of a company wide branding refresh, The Green Door Store asked me to design and develop their new website. They needed something that was easy to use and update, with the ability to list up to 90 events a month. As one of Brighton’s busiest live music venues and bars, The Green Door Store’s site presented a unique challenge as I would need to combine their vintage speakeasy vibe with a modern UI so that people visiting the site could easily find the information they were looking for. After some initial meetings with the team at The Green Door Store, we agreed on several design ideas that they liked that would ultimately dictate the final site design. These included: using black as the main background colour, making more use of images for events, creating a dynamic front page that can be used to feature certain events and having a combined listings page for gigs and club nights but also the ability to view both types of event listings separately. Because no two events are the same, I had to ensure that the events template was flexible enough to accommodate anything from a craft workshop to an all day music festival. To do this I split the events into 4 categories: Live Music, Festivals, Club Nights & Daytime Events. Each of these also includes dynamic fields, so information can be included if needed but is not necessary for the event to display correctly on the front end of the website. As many of the club nights are recurring events I included the ability to fill in the club night event details once, and then use this information to populate individual club night event listings. Any of the stored information can be overridden per club night event if needs be, allowing for even more flexibility.