The Next Billion Seconds...

  • Elisa Rustemi

This is a collaborative research project between Kieran McDonald, a tutor at Sheffield Hallam University and 3 other design students across different disciplines. Working as a design educator, Kieran was not satisfied and set out to question higher education within Art & Design and started this research project. His existing research considers potential ways to appropriately integrate and enhance learning spaces holistically so that future graduates can thrive in this environment. In this case, the future graduates are a reference to the closer future but also the distant future of the next billion seconds, that being the year of 2050. We were introduced because he needed us, students, to offer guidance and insight to provide a platform and framework to disseminate in the higher education community. The shifts in pedagogy, utilisation of space, technology, and cultures have the potential for transformation. The project reflects on research scoping on different design schools across the world, gathering staff and student perspectives. 

As a team, we collaborated and shared out tasks between us to complete when gathering research towards the project. We split the research into themes of 4 sections that we would investigate and in the end, tens of hours of interview recording were transformed into transcripts and then further investigated. From there, due to the global pandemic, we have decided to individually find ways to turn all of our research into visual pieces and shown is mine, a playful loose-leaf publication.
If you want to check out some more images of this project, you can just head over to my portfolio website through this link: